Ultimate Guide on Shopify Retargeting apps

Shopify Retargeting apps allow you to follow your customers across all marketing channels, including email campaigns, Google Ads, and social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

Are you looking to increase your sales and conversion rates on your Shopify store by retargeting your existing and new customers across your shopping channels?  If so, you’ll want to check out the shopify retargeting app!

Quickly Create Remarketing Audiences in Google Ads with Our Google Ads Retargeting App, 👉 Install Now

By understanding how these apps work, you’ll be able to increase your business’ reach and boost sales. So, In this blog, We’ll outline all the key features of the best Shopify retargeting apps and assist you in choosing the best one for your online store. Whether you’re a startup or an established retailer, read on for the latest advice on Shopify Retargeting apps. So don’t wait – start targeting your customers today!

What are Retargeting Ads? How does it work?

Retargeting ads are types of ads available on famous ad platforms like google ads, and Facebook ads. In which ads are shown to people who have been visited before but have not made any practical actions for the business. 

It is done to reach people who have already shown an interest in your product or service and to encourage them to come back and buy something from you.

Shopify Retargeting apps - Retargeting ads

It works by tracking shoppers’ browsing habits and then serving ads specific to their interests. For instance, if a person visits a website that sells furniture, the website may display ads for furniture deals when visiting other websites unrelated to furniture. This way, the person will constantly be encouraged to purchase more from the retailer they visited previously.

Quickly Create Remarketing Audiences in Google Ads with Our Google Ads Retargeting App, 👉 Install Now

Several different Shopify Retargeting apps are available, making it easy for businesses of all sizes to get started with this type of advertising. There’s no need for specialized technical knowledge – select the best Shopify Retargeting app that meets your needs and start targeting your customers!

Importance of Retargeting Ads? 

Among the most important are the following four advantages of retargeting in your subsequent ad campaign.

1. Improve Your Market:

Retargeting’s effectiveness comes from focusing only on customers who have previously visited your website, in contrast to other marketing techniques that cast a wide net to find people interested in the product. If someone has visited your website and expressed interest in your brand, they are a brighter lead than the public.

2. Increased Return on investment:

Retargeting is more cost-effective than other forms of advertising because it requires much less cash upfront. Retargeting campaigns can often result in a higher ROI (Return on investment) by encouraging customers who have already expressed interest in your product to return and purchase.

Better ROI - Shopify Retargeting apps

3. Increased brand awareness:

One of the most important benefits is that they help you increase brand awareness and engagement with potential buyers who are already interested in your product or service – even if they haven’t made a purchase yet! By serving Ads specifically to people who have shown interest in your brand before, you can prime them for a purchase.

4. Better targeting:

Unlike traditional ads that rely on general demographics such as age, gender, and location to target potential customers, retargeting allows businesses to specifically reach buyers who have interacted with your product or service in the past. This way, you can focus your marketing efforts on the right people, improving engagement and conversion rates.

Better Targeting - Shopify Retargeting apps

What is the Difference Between Dynamic Retargeting Ads & Dynamic Remarketing Ads?

Remarketing Vs Retargeting -  Shopify Retargeting apps

Re-engaging customers is the primary focus of remarketing and retargeting. It interacts with customers who have expressed concern for your business. It involves creating new leads and converting them into customers.

Remarketing is a well-known and widely used type of digital marketing in which advertisers show ads to customers who’ve already visited their website or a particular web page and either taken or have not taken a particular decision. Targeting those who have already expressed interest in your company or brand is a successful strategy.

It is referred to as “re”-marketing because you focus on previous visitors or current customers. Consider it a second opportunity to use online advertising or campaigns to convert, upsell, or retain customers. It can do it in various ways and with various ad platforms, such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, and email marketing campaigns.

Quickly Create Remarketing Audiences in Google Ads with Our Google Ads Retargeting App, 👉 Install Now

Retargeting is a method for identifying the target market who have previously interacted with your Shopify store or product but have not made a purchase. So it’s like having an extra salesman following potential customers! On the other hand, Retargeting allows you to track people who haven’t made a purchase. It will then show up on different devices and websites that the person uses regularly. 

It allows you to focus your marketing efforts on the right people and increase engagement and conversion rates. It can be accomplished in various ways and using various ad platforms, including Email campaigns, Google Ads, and Instagram & Facebook Ads.

Why do we need to run a Dynamic Retargeting Ad Campaign?

Dynamic Retargeting Ads are highly effective in driving traffic and conversions. Not only will they help you reach people who have visited your Shopify store, but they’ll also encourage them to come back and make a purchase. In practical terms, these ads can significantly boost your business’ reach and grow sales volumes.

What are Retargeting Apps? Why do we need to use it?

Best Shopify Retargeting apps

Retargeting apps allow you to create dynamic, custom ads that are sent directly to people who have interacted with your site or product in the past. It means you can reach out to potential customers who have visited your store and haven’t yet made a purchase. It also lets you keep track of the performance of these campaigns so that you can make adjustments as needed. It gives you an extra opportunity to convert more visitors into customers!

How to Create Retargeting Campaign using Adnabu’s Retargeting for Google Ads

Adnabu is a powerful retargeting platform that lets you reach people who have interacted with your Shopify site or product in the past. It includes customers who have made a purchase and those who haven’t. Adnabu App Retargeting provides:

  • Dynamic retargeting ads are sent to people who have visited your Shopify store but have not bought your product.
  • The ability to create page-specific audiences in Google Ads.
  • The ability to track the performance of your ad campaigns.

You can use Adnabu to create dynamic retargeting tags and place them on your Shopify store with appropriate parameters. This app also searches your collections and products to build page-specific audiences in your Google Ads account. After installing the pixel, you can use these audiences to build a retargeting campaign in Google Ads.

Quickly Create Remarketing Audiences in Google Ads with Our Google Ads Retargeting App, 👉 Install Now

To use Adnabu’s retargeting platform, you will need an active Google Ads account. You can create a new Google Ads account or sign in to an existing one. After signing in, click “Audience” on the left-hand side of the screen. 

Create Audience -  Shopify Retargeting apps

You’ll then need to select the “Edit Audience Segments,” as shown in the below figure. Next, you’ll need to specify the audience that you want to target with your ads. To do this, click on “Create New Segment,” as shown in the below figure.

Edit Audience segments - Shopify Retargeting apps

You can specify the site or product you want to target. After specifying the audience, you’ll need to specify targeting criteria. Adnabu will use this information to create ads. Click on “ad group” or “Display Campaign” in the below figure, and then choose a campaign and click on “Audience List.”

Shopify Retargeting apps

After completing these steps, you’re ready to begin configuring your retargeting campaigns! 

FAQ on Shopify Retargeting apps:

1. What are Retargeting apps?

Retargeting apps allow you to retarget website visitors with ads that are relevant to their past browsing behavior. It allows you to reach new customers who have not yet visited your website and recapture customers who have already left. By following them on different platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, you can continue to market to them directly, building a relationship that could lead to future business.

It allows you to display ads relevant to the customer’s interests, improving your chances of converting them into customers. Additionally, It can measure the effectiveness of ads and track visitor behavior across multiple websites.

2. What do you need for retargeting?

Retargeting is a digital marketing strategy that allows marketers to track and target users who have interacted with their content or website in the past. It is a great way to reach customers who have previously visited your website but have not converted. By displaying ads to these visitors on other websites, you can convert more of them into customers.

3. What is the purpose of Retargeting Ads?

Retargeting ads are a great way to reach potential customers who have visited your website but haven’t made a purchase. You can boost conversion rates by up to 50% by displaying ads that relate to the interests or behavior of visitors who have already placed orders on your website.

This type of advertising uses data collected about consumers during their past visits to create custom ads that are more relevant and interesting than usual ad campaigns. You don’t need to spend money promoting specific products or services; retargeting allows marketers to select profile demographics (location, age, gender) based on what they believe is most likely to interest the consumer.

These profiles are then matched with tailored Ads that will appear while browsing other websites or using other apps. So not only do you get high-quality targeting for free and increased engagement as people see Ads they might find helpful or entertaining in addition to informative ones.

4. Are retargeting ads effective?

Yes, retargeting ads are effective when used correctly. They allow you to target your specific audience with consistent and relevant ads that convert better than non-targeted ads. When executed effectively, retargeting campaigns can result in higher clickthrough rates (CTRs), increased sales, and a greater return on investment (ROI).

To increase the chances of success, consider using data collected from previous interactions with your customers to create targeted ads. It will help you connect with people who are likely interested in what you have to offer and boost conversions by keeping those users engaged long after they’ve seen your ad once. Additionally, ensure that all Ads delivered through RETARGETING services adhere strictly to GDPR!

Final Thoughts on Shopify Retargeting Apps

Retargeting is one of the most effective ways to capture new leads, but it takes a lot of patience and analysis to understand what your audience wants. You can see the enormous potential of retargeting with Shopify. Moreover, as technology progresses and new methods are introduced in the market, this method gets even more powerful. You can also increase conversions with a good strategy and advanced technology. That said, it’s time to adjust your strategy and practice intelligent targeting on your Shopify store!

Now that you know the key features of retargeting apps, it’s time to choose the right one for your business. It is unnecessary to keep spending money on ineffective campaigns with irrelevant product ads when you can use a retargeting app that knows how to target your audience! The right retargeting app will help your customers come back again and again by showing them ads based on their previous shopping experiences.

Therefore, research the best apps and use them to their fullest potential to maximize your profits!


CEO and co founder of AdNabu. Exploring the intersection of data and marketing