
google ads


Google Ads remarketing is a remarketing ad served by Google. By presenting relevant ads when people visit other sites or search on Google, Google Ads Remarketing allows you to advertise to individuals who have previously visited your site, used your mobile app, or are in your CRM databases.

Conversion tracking in Google Ads accounts helps you figure out if your present efforts are yielding the results you want. This post goes through the most important advantages of tracking your campaign conversions, the value of conversion tracking to your business, and how to utilize its power for long-term growth. What is conversion tracking? Conversion tracking is the procedure by which a mobile measurement partner tracks a defined data element within a mobile app. When…

It’s another day for your eCommerce venture; you are all set to begin your day with a hot cup of coffee and your emails. However, there’s one specific email that has you triggered. Sent by Google, this email informs you that your Merchant Center account is currently under suspension. Just like that? Without any prior warning? Where did I go wrong? Yes, we understand the tons of questions that might have been in your head…

A Google Shopping feed, as per Google, is a list that contains details of products that an online merchant advertises through the Merchant Center. Every product in the feed or the list is assigned an attribute used by the product feed to group products with like qualities. A single feed can be used as many times across multiple Merchant Center features. There are two main types of data feed. The first one is the Primary…

So, you have an excellent product that you know will empower your customers in real ways. All the pilots you ran, and the freebies you distributed have returned with superb feedback. But, that’s not enough, is it? Do you want an effective medium to mount your offerings on a platform that can instantly boost sales? Now, there is nothing wrong with that thought, especially with Shopify around. In case you have not heard, with over…